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Illuminated View
Blue Peacock Wisteria
32” L x 24” W
USA ground shipping included.
Price: $1,200.00

A regal peacock perches within an oval frame, its head turned to one side, its elegant tail spread out in full view. On either side are roses of red, blue and purple. Across the top hang orange and blue wisteria. Two dragonflies add action and charm to the scene.
The bird’s tail feather "eyes" are clear blue accented with amber jewels set against a full turquoise background. Three amber jewels crown its cobalt blue head. The body is turquoise/mauve colored glass.
The main background squares are iridescent pale honey; the oval frame is amber hobnail glass. Inside the oval is clear, frosted glass accented with small diamond shapes. An outside border of mauve hobnail glass frames the total scene.
This is a spectacular window!

Un-Illuminated View

Iridescent Honey background